#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = VR Burglary v2 ## Skin ### Label label4056.text = VR: Burglary label4056_mobile.text = VR: Burglary ### Tooltip IconButton_31596694_1AB0_47D3_41B6_26EDC2C84E31.toolTip = Fullscreen ## Media ### Title panorama_142A9DE4_1F59_B62F_41B6_963B140F7A86.label = Outside House panorama_14360655_1F59_B269_4193_2B3DF207AC88.label = Hallway panorama_14361E3B_1F59_9219_4182_489B911996BF.label = Crime Scene photo_007D0711_1FA8_B3FF_41A6_EF5164BBB2FC.label = DSC_0914 photo_00F3665C_1FAF_F264_418B_AFBE8D24B48E.label = DSC_0915 photo_013271CB_1FA7_EE63_4196_E4508CCD3DEC.label = DSC_0912 photo_095037B2_1F67_9225_41B8_52F03A801305.label = ability-house-wide-shot photo_3A8CC1DD_1FE8_EE67_41BA_744CA185A002.label = Glove ## Popup ### Body htmlText_00E65AD1_1FA8_927C_41AE_9BB16F4425FF.html =
Latent finger marks on glass of window:
• What would be the most appropriate method of enhancement for this print on this surface and why?
• What would be the method then used to lift it?
• Explain the process in full.
htmlText_012573F4_1FB8_B225_41B4_E8E21022F756.html =
Drawers are left open:
• What evidence types could be targeted with this item?
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The occupant of the premises has been away for a week visiting family. She has returned to find the window of her first floor flat window open and the room in a mess.
She has had a brief look inside the room and noted that approximately £25 in cash, 2 necklaces and an iPad are missing from the room.
The window looks out onto the flat roof of a ground floor extension. It is suspected that entry was gained by climbing onto a bin next to the extension to get onto the roof. From there the window was forced/prized open.
You are the CSI.
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Consider the following:
• Where would your cordon be (and why)?
• What PPE would you be wearing (and why)?
• Who else might you request to attend your scene (and why)?
• Explain what kit you would be taking in.
• Is there additional information you require prior to attending, if so what is that and from whom would you request that information?
• Conduct a risk assessment ahead of entering the scene – remember this is dynamic so revisit this throughout your time in the scene.
Upon completion of the scene you must identify 1 key item you would select as the highest priority and justify this choice.
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A Glove was found by the bed:
• How would this be recovered?
• What considerations do you have with this exhibit?
• Where would this be sent for examination?
• What would it be examined for?
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Patent (but faint footwear mark on windowsill)
• How would you record this mark in situ and what details should be recorded in addition to it?
• How would this be recovered and packaged?
### Title window_08670792_1FF0_B473_41B4_83285B793F11.title = Before entering the scene... window_0C204718_1F91_B47F_41BA_1AC19CC08A8F.title = Latent Finger Marks window_0C6D3D47_1F8F_94D2_41B1_9B1231F93E76.title = Patent Footwear Mark window_0CB3E0C5_1FF1_EDD6_41B1_377A3CA1FB72.title = Glove by the bed window_0D80CA0F_1F90_9C51_41BE_F87F23323166.title = Open Drawers window_214852B6_2E4A_8460_41BA_DB0BFC917001.title = Burglary ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_01157DBC_1FAB_9624_417E_8222FFA5EE87.toolTip = Windowsill HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0371B95F_1FB8_FE63_4191_BCA09E014F7C.toolTip = Drawers HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0BC74388_1F69_F2E6_41B6_DE087911393A.toolTip = Info HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0BFECE4D_1F68_927F_4183_4C21E8E609F3.toolTip = Info HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_112DD69A_1F68_B21A_41B4_16FA75576160.toolTip = Open crime scene HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_11CE7EDC_1F69_721E_41B7_FC409BB35BBD.toolTip = Return outside HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_11D2D3CE_1F6B_F27A_41BC_BA2286A5F675.toolTip = Leave room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_12F85B46_1F68_926A_41BA_985826B72383.toolTip = Enter building HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3AEB2CCD_1FE9_B664_41B2_F8974A66E569.toolTip = Glove HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3FAC255F_1FA8_B664_41B5_B90AEF4501C0.toolTip = Window ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_124598BA_2167_7007_41BD_4F14B25EF345.source = https://www.worcester.ac.uk/courses/forensic-and-applied-biology-bsc-hons.aspx